Showing 1–22 of 44 results
Jonathan Edwards: The Great Awakener (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
Saint Augustine: Early Church Father (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
John Newton: Author of Amazing Grace (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
William Carey Heroes of the Faith
KSh 650.00 -
Mother Teresa Missionary of Charity (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
C S Lewis (Heroes) (Heroes of the Faith
KSh 650.00 -
Martin Luther: The Great Reformer (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
Fanny Crosby (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
William Tyndale
KSh 650.00 -
Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned to God (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
Sojourner Truth: American Abolitionist (Heroes of the Faith (Barbour Paperback)) by W. Terry Whalin (1997-06-01)
KSh 650.00 -
Hudson Taylor: Founder, China Inland Mission (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
Charles Sheldon: Author of In His Steps
KSh 650.00 -
Brother Andrew: God’s Undercover Agent (Heroes of the Faith)
KSh 650.00 -
Francis Schaeffer: A Mind and Heart for God
KSh 950.00 -
Thomas Manton: A Guided Tour of the Life and Thought of a Puritan Pastor
KSh 1,450.00 -
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
KSh 1,800.00 -
The Hidden Smile of God: The Fruit of Affliction in the Lives of John Bunyan, William Cowper, and David Brainerd (Volume 2)
KSh 1,350.00 -
A Martyr’s Grace: 21 Moody Bible Institute Alumni Who Gave Their Lives for Christ
KSh 800.00 -
Even in Our Darkness: A Story of Beauty in a Broken Life
KSh 1,800.00 -
Johannes Rebmann: A Servant of God in Africa Before the Rise of Western Colonialism
KSh 1,000.00 -
The Life of Jesus Christ: A Biographical Overview of the Life of Christ
KSh 750.00