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Showing 265–286 of 528 results
The Bible in African – Transactions, Trajectories & Trends
KSh 1,700.00 -
The Beginnings – Word & Spirit in conversion
KSh 650.00 -
The assurance of salvation – Biblical hope for our struggles
KSh 1,250.00 -
The art of preaching old testament narrative
KSh 1,600.00 -
The art of online dating : Style Your Most Authentic Self and Cultivate a Mindful Dating Life
KSh 1,500.00 -
THE Art of Biblical Narrative
KSh 1,650.00 -
The advancement of science – Science without legend, objectivity without illusions
KSh 1,900.00 -
The 5 love languages
KSh 1,850.00 -
Ten Commandments for pastors leaving a congregation
KSh 650.00 -
Teach your children to pray
KSh 1,450.00 -
Sustaining Ministry – Foundations and practices for serving faithfully
KSh 1,450.00 -
Suffering and Evil in Early Christian Thought – patristic theology and history
KSh 1,700.00 -
KSh 1,250.00 -
Staying I Do
KSh 1,500.00 -
Stand up for the gospel
KSh 1,300.00 -
Conversations with St. Athanasius
KSh 750.00 -
Spiritual Direction
KSh 450.00 -
Spiritual Companioning – A guide to Protestant Theology and Practice
KSh 1,300.00 -
Speaking of the Holy – The art of Communication in Preaching
KSh 1,150.00 -
Speak to me that I may speak – A spirituality of preaching
KSh 1,450.00 -
Southern Baptist Identity
KSh 1,700.00 -
Soul keeping – ancient paths of spiritual direction
KSh 950.00