Clifford W. Foreman (MA, PhD, Boston University) is professor of English and moderator of the faculty at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he has taught since 1986.
Timothy H. Steele (MM, Temple University; PhD, University of Chicago) is associate professor of music and chair of the music department at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he has taught since 2007.
Matthew S. Vos (MEd, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; PhD, University of Tennessee at Knoxville) is professor of sociology at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia.
What is resurrection?
Joel R. Beeke is president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, where he also serves as professor of systematic theology and homiletics. He is a pastor of Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Christianity and the Role of Philosophy
K. Scott Oliphint (MAR, ThM, PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, the author of many books, and a world authority on the works of Cornelius Van Til.
Daniel R. Zuidema (PhD, Wake Forest University) is professor of chemistry and chair of the chemistry department at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he has taught since 2005.