The Missing Generation – A Practical Guide to 20s 30s Ministry

by Kay Mumford

KSh 330.00

12 in stock


If your church is missing the twenties to thirties age group, sadly you are not alone. This is the common story across the UK. There are many reasons why this is the case, but it causes the church a serious problem €¦ and the consequences of ignoring it will be seen in the years to come with dying, ageing and empty churches.

So what can we do and how do we do it?In this little book, Kay Mumford asks these very questions and begins to work through practical answers that will challenge, equip and enthuse you in your ministry with young adults. Kay has over 15 years of experience of battling against the trend that 20s €“ 30s €˜don’t do church’ €“ and though this book won’t give you every answer, it is designed to be a springboard that will refocus your vision and excite you about what God can do when we live out and teach His Word.