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The Way of Holiness clearly illustrates that each crisis of decision in the Christian life is a turning point. An opportunity to choose God, to express your devotion to Him, and to experience His direction. There are inevitable decisions you will face in your Christian walk. Making biblical choices will free you to enjoy all that God has for you on the way of holiness.
“As you therefore have received Christ, so walk in Him.” –Colossians 2:6
The subject of holiness is an awesome, yet essential, thing to consider. Awesome because it is beyond our understanding. Essential because to maintain purity and set ourselves apart for God’s service alone is the key to spiritual maturity.
The only possible way to walk that path of holiness is to be sensitive to God’s voice and heed the signposts He has placed at the crucial forks in our road. Each biblical signpost described in these pages entails a crisis of decision–a choice that, if navigated properly, will move you forward in your spiritual journey. Each of those decisions sets the pattern of your Christian life.
If you use God’s signposts to make your response all that it can and should be, you’ll progress steadily toward holiness, victorious living, and increasing Christlikeness even in the face of temptation. And God’s purpose for your life will be accomplished in a most magnificent way.